As the wedding nears, the little questions begin pop into your mind. But deep inside I know that every decision made along the way got me here successfully. All the major preparations are underway, found a wedding dress, going to order wedding rings this weekend, and now its just details for the wedding party. We are scheduled for a City Hall ceremony on Saturday 29 April @ 11:45AM. Then celebrate with brunch afterwards at a nearby Cafe. Then the wedding party at a penthouse in the city! Tom's friend Tonny has a beautiful place and is going to allow us to have our party there!! I wish you all could be here!
The dress is beautiful! As the day drwas neat you will experience so many emotions, but take it from your older Cuz, it is all worth it. Love you and wish I was there for support.
We all will be there, in spirit and love for our dear friend.
Live long and prosper!! And find a way to put the ceremony on the BLOG site maybe>
Wow what a journey! It looks like you are having fun, making new friends, and generally enjoying what this time in your life is all about. I have only one request... TAKE PICTURES, TAKE PICTURES, TAKE PICTURES. THEN... POST PICTURES, POST PICTURES, POST PICTURES!!! This will allow all of us here in Texas to enjoy the beauty of Denmark and to see some of your wedding and the celebration(s) after. K-BO and I wish you and Tom great happiness and a wealth of success.
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