The moment occured, the words I DO embraced my life forever!
The day was lovely, exquisite; my life is now complete.
I had my hair done in the AM, rushed to the Radisson, where Mom and Dad were staying, threw on the wedding clothes. Being a woman sucks, no wonder I dont get dressed up often. The silly things she must wear in order to keep her looking good! But I did it to impress my husband to be and he was dazzled, mesmorized by my beauty! Caught a taxi to RĂ„dhusplasden (City Hall) and suddenly the nerves started to twitch, the butterflys began to tumble.......
I looked around did not see any one that I recognized, Tom said he would met us downstairs, I could not find him. A few other brides were outside surrounded by supporters. Where was my new family to be??? Then a familiar face emerged from the crowd, Tonny. Quickly I asked him if he had seen Tom and of course he had a video camera in hand and proceeded to film not anwering my desperate questions!! Time was ticking, we had a 11:45AM appointment, they dont wait for you here! And it was 11:39 and no sign of TOM.... We went inside looked around and just more unfamiliar faces.
So now is when you start to panic, now is the time you feel the entire stress of the situation lying heavily upon your chest, wondering how did I get here? Then we decided to follow the other wedding parties, mabye they had some clue as where we are suppose to go. We followed a long coridoor, some twisty stairs, I could read the signs Bryllup Kontor (Wedding office). I could no longer make any rational decisions at this point, people were crowding around, everybody throwing out comments, asking where is Tom, where are we going, I just followed the main stream, for it seemed to be the best option! And sure enough we ended up in a large hall with chairs and there was my wonderful, handsome husband to be in 5 minutes. The moment our eyes engaged, we spoke, I knew. The excitement, thrills, exhilarations, rushes, tremors of joys knowing that you will be pronounced man and wife.
An employee came out and rambled some instruction in Danish, "please be seated and your party will be called". In the midst of the commotion, I sat patiently, confident in our promise. I quickly thought about the rays of hope, trust, faith, hopefulness that Tom has brough to my life. Everything was surreal, time became frozen, I took everything in. Then without further notice "Dinah Sherrill and Tom Christiansen" from some corner of this busy room. I jumped up looked around, Tom grabbed my hand and lead me into the room. It was rather small, with a wodden table in the middle and a woman behind it. All I remember is she read something in English, but her English was a bit rusty, love, marriage, commitment, I remember hearing those words, I stood there a bit frozen, gazing around at all the people in suport of us and of course cameras still going. Then came Tom's turn - I DO, then my turn, I DO. Then the rings, then the kiss! And suddenly we are married. We had to sign some papers afterwards, along with our witnesses. Then they looked at us and said "have a good day!".
All the buildup, all the work, all the stress and in an instant it's said and done, husband and wife!! But what a remarkable, extraordinary, superb feeling. I was floating somewhere amongst the clouds with the birds looking down upon myself. We walked towards the door stood there as everyone congratulated us (Tillykke). Then it was time to make our debut as Mr. & Mrs. Christiansen, we walked across the tile floor, opened the gigantic wooden doors, screams, rants, yells and rice everywhere. We stood in the midst of flying rice for several minutes! What a marvelous way to begin the day!!
dinah, congrats to you and tom. i was thinking of you all day friday and saturday morning. it sounds like you had a wonderful day. i'm so happy for you both. you looked gorgeous. we can't wait to see some more pictures. have a blissful honeymoon. we miss you around here. we hope to throw you a little bash here in colorado to celebrate. best wishes. Jo
Congratulations Cuz and welcome to the Club. Please give Tom a Texas size hug from me and you both were in our prayers on the 29th. Love and protect each other and we will see you soon. WHERE IS MY DISK!!!!!!
Love Tracey
Dinah, I am so happy for you! Congrats!!! You looked absolutely beautiful. Cant wait to congratulate you in person! Welcome to married life, I hope you enjoy it as much as I! I know you think this is the best, but trust me, the best is yet to come!!;) Renee
Dinah, Congrats! I was on vacation Saturday but took a moment to think of you and Tom. Enjoy married life and the next stages of your life. Enjoy the Honeymoon have some pad thai for me. By the way you were gorgeous! Audra
You look awesome! I always still picture you out doing the ropes coarses with me, in the shorts, t-shirt and harness....What a difference! You look so amazing, and I know how you are about having every detail completely planned out, so I felt like I was there as you described your panick at not knowing what to do. I can imagine your facial expressions and all. I am soooooo happy for you, and if you think this day was spectacular, true love gets better and stronger EVERY DAY! It may seem impossible to imagine at this time, but it really does get better as long as you don't sweat the small stuff. You deserve the best and all the happiness you can handle. Love Pam, David and Ashali
Wishing you and Tom all kinds of beauty and love as you travel this journey of life together.
Awesome!!! I am extremely happy for you both and I wish all the best.
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