What does the general public think of Fireworks?
Denmark has a very low tolerance level concerning them. Since the firework factory explosion a few years back, people say that the laws have become stricter. I ask myself what is your definition of stricter? I do not see any restrictions towards these flying torpedos within the sky! People are allowed to set them off within the city limits which I find very unusual for the close proximity within this cramped city. But no worries to your neighbor they still go off constantly! Coming from American cities, where you set them off in a small street of Golden, CO the police will show up at your door within minutes. So being able to shuffle mind frames and accept that you are allowed to set them off has been hard to accept. But I do know that Joshua Montgomery would love being in København to celebrate the new year!! For the month of December the sky lights up continuously, bangs, bangs more Banging. But I find it rather amusing that everyone goes crazy setting them off! You will find them going off at all times of the day also. I was cruising home from work on a friday at 15:45 and BanG already going up in the sky (for it is dark at 16:00!) And as the night continues on more and more light up the sky in every direction. It is just as common as buying milk from the grocery store! So I better go and buy lots for this new years Eve! (and save some for summer Josh) But so far the most amazing, spectacular firework show has been at Tivoli Gardens. For 4 consecutive nights they are putting on a international firework show. For 10 minutes you get to see the real thing, the real pyrotechnicans displaying true firework phenomenon! They dazzle, they linger, they explode all for our pleasure. What unusual creatures we are! Have you ever thought of that?
Denmark has a very low tolerance level concerning them. Since the firework factory explosion a few years back, people say that the laws have become stricter. I ask myself what is your definition of stricter? I do not see any restrictions towards these flying torpedos within the sky! People are allowed to set them off within the city limits which I find very unusual for the close proximity within this cramped city. But no worries to your neighbor they still go off constantly! Coming from American cities, where you set them off in a small street of Golden, CO the police will show up at your door within minutes. So being able to shuffle mind frames and accept that you are allowed to set them off has been hard to accept. But I do know that Joshua Montgomery would love being in København to celebrate the new year!! For the month of December the sky lights up continuously, bangs, bangs more Banging. But I find it rather amusing that everyone goes crazy setting them off! You will find them going off at all times of the day also. I was cruising home from work on a friday at 15:45 and BanG already going up in the sky (for it is dark at 16:00!) And as the night continues on more and more light up the sky in every direction. It is just as common as buying milk from the grocery store! So I better go and buy lots for this new years Eve! (and save some for summer Josh) But so far the most amazing, spectacular firework show has been at Tivoli Gardens. For 4 consecutive nights they are putting on a international firework show. For 10 minutes you get to see the real thing, the real pyrotechnicans displaying true firework phenomenon! They dazzle, they linger, they explode all for our pleasure. What unusual creatures we are! Have you ever thought of that?
1 comment:
Yes, I've thought about it a lot. Japan is a country that fell in love with fireworks and took the whole endeavor to new heights. During the summer festival, each city does a huge show. Ayaho's hometown is actually known throughout the country (and world?) for it's amazing display over the bueatiful Shinano Gawa River. The show goes on all night, it's not rushed, with time in between the huge blasts. When I say huge... I mean, well, check out some of these pics: http://images.google.co.jp/images?hl=ja&q=nagaoka%20fireworks&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi
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